Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Chaos Reigns

Is supposedly the new "I drink your milkshake". Not really sure what to think of this movie. I'm not exactly the worlds biggest Von Trier fan, but still, from what I've heard about this movie, it's supposed to be pretty fucked up. Which I like. It'll either be awesome or awful. I'm optimistic.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Yeah, Remember Earlier?

When I was all proud of Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize? And how proud it made me to be an Amiercan? Then I found this video. I'm back to being depressed about being an American.


Obama Wins Peace Prize

President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize today. Which is fucking awesome. Not because he entirely deserved it (I'll willfully admit that there are other people who probably deserve it more), but it's awesome just cause it'll piss off so many Republicans. At work they make us watch Fox News in the break rooms. It made me sick at how much pure hatred they spewed directly at Obama. They talk about how much Americans have turned on him and blah blah blah. This must come as a huge blow to them. I actually can't wait to see Glenn Beck tonight. That smug fucking asshole. His head is going to explode. Of course they'll just spin this story to and talk about how "out of touch" the rest of the world is with America. I fucking hate Fox News. I mean, they're already starting in on him! Can't they just be proud of their President? It's not every day that an American wins this award. We should be proud of him.

Good job, Obama.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Venture Bros. Season 4

This actually gives me hope season 4 will be better than season 3 (which was still pretty great really). Seems the focus returns to Hank and Dean, and it's about time. It's their show, after all. And that final shot of Dean, hurling through time(?) is probably the most awesome thing I've ever seen. Can't wait.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Rock.

I'll always love The Rock but it's like he continues to give the WWE fans false hope that he will return to the ring one day. He should of just cut his ties completely to be honest. The Great One still has the knack for a good promo though. Can't wait to see that episode of RAW.