Friday, May 15, 2009


I don't know how much of a review this will be. I can't promise this won't just turn into a rant. Cause I'm sort of pissed. Anyone who knows me will know why I'm pissed.

It's like they pulled the rug out from under us. Which I'm sure the writers think is a good thing, but not this time. They've pissed in the collective eyes of their fans.

John Locke, as I've said before, is the best character in any medium from this decade. We've watched him go from a pathetic sad sack loser to a hero who everyone can relate to in one way or another. After season four, I was upset. They just fucked with him all year and then killed him in the end. But season five Locke? Holy shit! He was kicking ass and taking names. He was serving up heaping helpings of "Fuck You" to anyone who looked like they needed a delicious taste (i.e. Ben). I can't tell you how satisfying it was.

Then came this last episode. We all knew something was up. It's Locke, after all. He can't be allowed to be happy too long. Every single season has ended with Locke either being dead or making a huge mistake. I just couldn't wrap my mind around what was up. The one thing I did know was that by the end of the episode, Locke would probably be back to his old failing ways.

This twist, for the average viewer, would have been awesome. The writers should probably take it as a compliment that they've created a character so many people are emotionally invested in. But when we found out that this new Locke wasn't Locke at all, I wanted to put my foot through the screen. How could they do this? From a story telling point of view, it was cool, but I'm beyond caring about the story when it comes to Locke. I just wanted him to be happy. He's had such a shitty life, with one failure coming after the next. Even Richard said he didn't seem all that special. Yet we all held out hope. We KNEW Locke was special. He just needed to get there. Now? It seems he was just a puppet all along. He's still dead and some evil dude has taken his form just to kill Jacob.

The one thing that keeps me going is knowing that the writers of Lost are not stupid people. They know what they've done. And surely, if they didn't know before they know now that the fans will not sit back and let the most beloved character from one of the most beloved shows of all time keep getting fucked over like this. It's as simple as this- they now have 17 episodes in which they have to figure out a way to make millions of angry Locke fans happy. And the only way to make us happy is to give Locke the happy ending he deserves. Good luck.

And now for the rest of the episode.

First off is the ending. Evil Not Locke (or as the blogsphere is calling him, "Esau"... read your Bible to figure that one out. It sort of makes sense, really), Ben and Jacob. Obviously this Esau (probably not his real name, by the way. His name will probably be Bob or George or some shit) can't kill Jacob for some reason. "The Rules" and all. I guess it was the same reason Ben wasn't allowed to kill Widmore. But Esau had a plan. He may not be able to kill Jacob, but Ben could. This scene was probably the most interesting of the episode. First off, I was never completely sure Jacob could be killed, or even harmed. I was wrong. Ben stabbed the shit out of that motherfucker. And Michael Emerson is a fucking great actor, isn't he? I've always liked Ben, but I've never really felt sorry for him until this scene. Kudos to Emerson for making Ben's pain and anger seem to genuine.

Mathew Fox also did a great job as Jack in this episode. If there was one scene that could compete with the scene I just mentioned, it was Jack vs. Sawyer (or maybe the drive by, which was hilarious). That whole thing was awesome and awesomely hilarious. Sawyer is a sucker punching bitch. But even after that, Jack managed to put him down. So Sawyer kicked him in the bag and hit him with a stick. Fight like an adult Sawyer, you prick. I'm glad Juliet died. Speaking of Juliet, it was hilarious when she showed up telling Sawyer to stop. Jack staggering around in the background gave me a fit of the giggles.

Also, I've never cared for her character. For awhile now we've been teased with the fact that someone major would die in this episode and that the death would be very emotional, like Charlie's death. Frankly, if Juliet is in fact the one who died, I don't care. She was slightly interesting when she first came into the show, but she was so aggressively annoying that I just couldn't get into her. Then for the past two seasons she's been nothing but a background character who occasionally says something halfway important. But mostly she was just a cardboard cutout. I know some people liked her (and who knows, maybe she isn't dead after all?), but I think her potential was wasted.

Fuck it, I'm done with this. Here's my end of the season thingy.

Best episode- This Place Is Death

Worst episode- The Little Prince

Most overrated episode- 316

Most underrated episode- The Lie

Best performance of the year- Terry O'Quinn, This Place Is Death

Best character- Daniel Faraday

Worst Character- Juliet

Five Questions I need answers to-

1. Is Locke dead? Or rather, will/can he come back to life?

2. Is Jacob dead? Will/can he come back to life?

3. How did Jacob and Evil Not Locke get their powers?

4. How will Hurley end up saving everyone's lives? Cause you know it's gonna happen :)

5. Who will Kate pick- Jack or Sawyer? Just kidding. God, I hate her so much.



Sure as Fuck not Frankie "Fuckin" Teardrop said...

O.K first off here is where you went wrong!!! You think it isn't about the Bible but I believe otherwise! Think about it...

1.Jack "SHEPHERD"...leading his flock!
2.Sayid....from Iraq where alot of the Bible is set. Tower of Babel and such.
3.Esau screwed out of his birth right by Jacob...that one makes sense. Also founded the Israelites...and what did the Jews do for 40 years? Roamed the fucking desert "LOST".
4.John Locke's role...He's is John the Baptist. He like John the Baptist preacher in faith. John the Baptist held a staff that was inscribed with these words Ecce Agnus Dei" (Latin, "Behold the Lamb of God") we all know Locke knows latin very well. Last but not least is that Locke was a martyr like John the Baptist. Lost IS the story of the Bible through and through. John Locke's Jesus is Jacob...who was in fact killed by his own people and shall rise again and revive Locke so they can bring about the Apocalypse of the Island.
Best episode- This Place Is Death AGREE

Worst episode- The Little Prince AGREE

Most overrated episode- 316

Most underrated episode- The Lie AGREE

Best performance of the year- Terry O'Quinn, This Place Is Death AGREE

Best character- Daniel Faraday DISAGREE John Locke

Worst Character- Juliet

Five Questions I need answers to-
I've got your answers
1. Is Locke dead? Or rather, will/can he come back to life?
He did die and Jacob will bring him back to Life

2. Is Jacob dead? Will/can he come back to life?
Yes he did but will come back to life.

3. How did Jacob and Evil Not Locke get their powers?
They were given to them by God whom created the Island so he'd have something to watch

4. How will Hurley end up saving everyone's lives? Cause you know it's gonna happen :)
Hurley will die...I don't like it either but that's the breaks. I love Hurley but the creators of lost will fuck us on this one.

5. Who will Kate pick- Jack or Sawyer? Just kidding. God, I hate her so much. Neither...hopefully she'll die because I can't stand a whore. Die whore.

Maynard and or Lando and or Bada said...

Jesus. You thought that out pretty deeply. I actually agree with pretty much everything you say. I seriously hope Locke comes back, at least in some capacity. As for Hurley dying, I don't think it'll happen. His death would lead to a bigger backlash than Locke's I think he's the only character who is untouchable.

Now watch him get slaughtered in the first episode next season :(