Wednesday, February 13, 2008

B... Bada?

Well, I guess Bada went through with the bet he made with Lando. He's dead. How could he not be? No one has seen him since the Superbowl. To refrsh your memories, Lando and Bada made a bet that Bada would have to kill himself if the Patriots lost, and... well, I don't have to remind you what happened.

None of us actually thought he'd go through with it. He and Lando make these bets all the time and he's never killed himself before. But I guess his favorite team going 18-1 was just too much for him. Either he can't live in a world where the Patriots don't win the Superbowl, or he can't live in a world where Lando wins. At anything. I feel sort of the same way. Me and Lando would play chess sometimes and he'd almost always win the first game. This would cause the chemicals in my brain to go all off-balance, ect. forcing me to challenge him to another game, where I would crush him into the ground with zero mercy >:D

But there can be no other game for Bada. The flaw with his bet was that he himself could not affect the outcome. That's why I never bet my life on football games. Too much can go wrong.

Ah well, forget it. I guess it's back to just me and Lando. Patrick is a dead man anyways. That guy causes so many problems I can't even believe it. Forget him too.

Just forget everything.


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