Saturday, August 2, 2008

Birthday Madness

August 1st. Yesterday. My birthday. I turned 24. Very depressing. Seems like just yesterday I turned 18, but that was 6 years ago. Another 6 years I'll be 30.


Probably bald, too.

So anywho, I stayed at my sister's on the 31st, so I woke up at her place on my birthday. She and her husband were getting into all sorts of hijinks. Won't get into it. I'm never getting married.

Had to go to work. They told me I'd be working the next day (which is today) They told me I don't get off work until 11:00 p.m. and they expected me to be there again at 7:00 a.m. and that I'd be working a 12 hour shift. So I was pissed all day.

Got home. Nothing to eat or drink in the house. Lando was home all day... I put two and two together and realized he screwed me.

Couldn't sleep. Tried to go to bed at 11:30 but at 2:30 I was still wide awake. No idea when I fell asleep but when I eventually woke up at about 6:00 it felt like I'd been asleep for about 5 minutes.

I didn't go in to work today. Fuck them.

Bad birthday. Terrible year overall for me.

Hope it gets better from here on in.

I fear I shall not make it to the end of the year going like this.



Nick said...

fuck work. and happy belated. here's to the next year being better than this one.

Maynard and or Lando and or Bada said...

Oi :) Thought you must have passed away or something. Thanks for the Happy Birthday. When is yours?

Anonymous said...

[cheers]Happy birthday, playa.[/cheers]

Nick said...

no, I haven't died. I just abandoned my blog! (picture me shouting this a la DDL)

and to answer the question, 4 February is my birthday.