Wednesday, November 19, 2008

When Will It Stop?

Okay, I'm still holding out hope that this is not true, but it's looking more and more likely that Will Smith and Steven Spielberg are teaming up with the dude who wrote I Am Legend (the 2007 film starring Smith) to re-create one of this decades best and most interesting films- Oldboy.

Now, I know Frankie Teardrop wasn't a fan, but screw him. He listens to Alan Jackson all day long, I assume. Oldboy was so fucking awesome I couldn't even believe what I was seeing.

It's become less and less often that Americans make a film quite as awesome as Oldboy. Every now and then we'll get something, but the coolest films are being made in Asia. The Departed is one of the coolest movies from the last five years and it was a remake of Infernal Affairs. Lost in Translation is my favorite movie of this decade so far, but the influence In the Mood for Love had on it is undeniable.

Okay, back to Oldboy. I like Smith. I like him more than most film fans (film fans are not the same as movie fans, as I'm sure you know). The dude is talented. Moreso than most people like to admit. But frankly, it'll be a stretch to see him in this role. The main character of Oldboy is pretty unlikeable. Smith loves playing the hero. The guy everyone loves. This will be a much different role. Unless they just change the entire movie, which is pretty impossible. The whole reason the dude was kidnapped was because he was a dick (I'm trying not to really get too into the plot, lest it be ruined for those of you who've never seen it)

Then there's Spielberg. Why not just get Ron Howard to direct it? Spielberg is another talented guy, but come on. He's not dark or tough enough to make this right. Munich was his hardest film, but I think it may have been a fluke. Yes, Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan were hard to sit through during some moments, but Spielberg has a way of fucking up his endings. Case in point- Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan. Just go back and watch those two endings and try not to gag a little. If there's one ending that CANNOT be fucked with, it's the ending to Oldboy. You have to have it or else everything that came before was all for nothing. With Smith and Spielberg... can they do that to their fans? Imagine some mother somewhere taking her kids to see this. She'd have a fucking stroke. Unless they change the ending, which is what I really fear might happen. Smith and Spielberg are just too... nice. They're too nice for this movie. It'll be made by Americans no matter what. But at least get some people who can do it justice. David Fincher and Micky Rourke. Those guys I could see handling this motherfucker.

Here's to hoping that Asian version of Sideways turns out alright.



Anonymous said...

Oh my fucking and that FUCKED UP film ol boy. Your one weird motherfucker. If you every want to blame anyone for your "short comings"...blame god. You are his joke to the world. Now back to the issue at hand. Your right...Smith and Spielberg aren't right for this movie. Then again neither is Fincher or Rourke. They should use a no name for ol boy. That way once it's over the lead and director won't have anything to worry about after their careers are fucked. "Cause that's whats gonna happen to anyone who has anything to do with this fucked up film. They only two good things about that film are #1 the hammer...I mean come on...I even liked that...#2...I don't have to watch it again. I honestly liked the movie UNTIL the ending. I wish Spielberg would've done the original that way it would've came out alright. But for all those people who listen to Maynard crazy ass and plan on watching ol boy I have one question to ask. Did you ride the short bus to school? Cause you gotta be retarded if you watch it. I would ruin the ending for you but hey....if your crazy enough to watch that P.O.S then you deserve whats coming to you. To wrap up....FUCK YOU...Alan Jackson is a great singer.

Maynard and or Lando and or Bada said...

There goes your Christmas present from me :<