Thursday, July 23, 2009

WTF Thom Yorke?

Word on the street is Thom Yorke is thinking about providing music for the next Twilight film, New Moon.

What the fuck kind of shit is that?

Seriously. That's like Brian Eno providing music for Grease part two. Seriously. Gay.

It was also news to me that Radiohead's "15 Step" played over the closing credits for the first film. That just makes me want to smash my face into a cinder block. That just makes me want to throw up all over your head, sir. Why? Why are Radiohead doing this to me? This shit will not stand.

Hopefully Thom Yorke can pull his head from his ASS and just say no.



Anonymous said...

Have you even watched the first movie? I've got it if you want to come over and eat some taco's and watch the first movie....

Sure as Fuck not "Frankie Fuckin Teardrop" said...

it's actually a good movie. I thought it'd suck balls but not so much. You really shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. I bet your racist sir.

szoszo said...


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