Friday, November 20, 2009

Cracked on Twilight

I read this earlier on Cracked, thought I'd share. Here ya go.

In Twilight, a boring-ass twitchy girl named Bella falls in love with a shiny vampire named Edward. And for some reason not explained by the movie, he loves her back. So just be your clumsy, mouth-breathing selves ladies. Someday, if you're skinny enough, someone exotic will love you for just being "you."

And How Does This Hate Women?

Take the vampirism from this movie and all you're left with is Ike and Tina right before Tina refuses to eat the cake. Edward stomps, broods, sneers and snidely tells his love interest to fuck off, but that's just the forbidden fruit angle Bella needs to stand around like a dumbass waiting for her stalker/boyfriend to confess his love/violent lust for her tasty blood. He'll confess a few MURDERS while he's at it. Bella sees his murderous lust and raises him a dead-eyed vacant stare and the flippant assurance that he'd never hurt her. This entire movie is one black-eyed-teen away from being a PSA from 1989.

I've killed people before.

It does not matter.

I wanted to kill you at first. I've never wanted a human's blood so much, before.

I trust you.

Any girl with the self-esteem of a shoe would call it a day right there. And the next time a Cracked intern with a violent boyfriend hobbles into the office on a broken leg with a cockamamie story about falling down the stairs, then out the window, we're going to believe her. Thanks, Twilight.



Saucy Sally said...

Calm down!!! Its just a movie....and a big deal!
BTW we watched some of Bruno last night! And I have to say DON'T WATCH IT!!!

Jeff the Rapper said...

I can sum up a Twilight movie in 10 seconds Beginning Credits,someone dies,someone bangs,suspensful ending,end credits.