Thursday, July 17, 2008

Games i Cant Wait for

Ok so there are lots of great games coming out this year and next, so this is just a list of a few that i believe will kick all the ass so, here we go.

God of War 3 on the PS3

Prototype on Xbox360

Fable 2 Xbox360

Call of Duty: World at War Xbox360

Resident Evil 5 Xbox360

Ok so this is all i could think of for now, i may add more later.

Bye bye



Maynard and or Lando and or Bada said...


Remember City of God? They should make a Resident Evil in the City of God. Cause you could fight zombies and gangsters at the same time.

Hercules should fight that bald bastard in God of War.

We should go see The Dark Knight tomorrow... together ;)


Maynard and or Lando and or Bada said...

Hercules would get his ass kicked o_O

yes o_O together