Sunday, August 24, 2008

This site sucks....I'M NOT FUCKIN' KIDDIN"

First off I need to say....if you really read this shit you outta be shot. Taken out back and have a bullet planted into the back of your skull. It's better to the alternative...i.e "reading this shit"! What kind of names are Maynard and Lando anyways. O.k...Lando.....just because you choose a name from star wars makes you cool? Come the fuck on man....your the whitest of white....your fuckin' opaque and you choose Billy D. Williams' character. I won't even start on Maynard...I mean..really it's fuckin' as if Mayo got laid by Leonard Nemoy and that's what you got. Give me a break! I hate you. Then you give ME the fake ass twinkle toe name of Frankie "Teardrop"! You fuckin prick! I'm gonna bash you in the teeth with a chinese phonebook. Do you know how many fucking Lee's there are in that damn thing? Your gonna be suckin' soup through a straw for the rest of the year. bash "YOUR" guy for president...and his choice for V.P. Only a democrat would do that shit. If you really think he cares what you think....your just like he's gonna be at the end of the election......LOST. I can't believe you really like that OLD BOY. Your truly one fucked up individual. Ok....I'm done FOR NOW...but I'll be back. One other thing...this site is as pretty and organized as a bulldog lickin' piss offa the end of a needle. How the fuck can you sleep at night. Fuckers
Yours Truly
The man with whom not to fuck!


Maynard and or Lando and or Bada said...

Go have sex with yourself pretty boy. Letting you in our gang was the worst decision I ever made. Oldboy was awesome. Frankie Teardrop is a song... not a good one, but still. Like it or lump it :<


Anonymous said...

shut it frankie you know you think we are cool

kimboluvr said...

We're starting an Oscar Buzzer fantasy football league. I guessed you would be interested so I'm extending the invitation. If you want in, send me your email addy.

ps. what up, stranger?