Saturday, September 8, 2007

Lando Interview

Howdy folks. In an effort for you to get to know us, we're doing an interview today with Lando. Enjoy it while you can.

Question- How old are you?

Lando Cruise- 45. Ha ha, just kidding (winks)

Q- Ha ha. But really, how old are you?

LC- I've had enough of this interview!

Q- No, wait, I'm sorry, don't go. What's a good question for me to ask?

LC- "What's your favorite food" "What's your favorite color?"

Q- What's your favorite color?

LC- I don't know.

Q- Alright. So why did you want to create this site?

LC- To help people.

Q- How do you mean? I mean, "What" do you mean?

LC- Uh... insperation.

Q- What?

LC- People nowadays need help getting through their day to day lives. That's what I'm here for. (at this point, Lando spills coke all over his pants) FUCK IT!! FUCK!!

Q- Ah jeez, what'd you do that for?

LC- I didn't do it because I love to do it!! Get me a towel.

Q- Actually, I have to go now.

LC- You're a cocksucker. You screwed me.

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