Saturday, September 8, 2007

Venice Film Festival winners and thoughts

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Okay, so I know I just posted a blog, but that was before I knew about this Venice Film Festival shit. Cate Blanchett won Best Actress for I'm Not There, the biopic on Bob Dylan, while Brad Pitt took home Best Actor for The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford Movie Film for Theaters. Ang Lee's Lust, Caution took home the top prize of the festival, despite some fairly negative reviews by many who saw it.

"Fuck those guys", said Lee when accepting his award. No, he didn't, but he was probably thinking it.

So what does this mean for next years Oscar race? Nothing, for the most part. Last year Ben Affleck won Best Actor for some movie nobody saw. Remember how that turned out? I'll remind you. He didn't get an Oscar. Or even a nomination. In the long run, the Venice Film Festival is just a nice little award that doesn't mean shit by itself. Ben Affleck isn't going to show off his Venice Film Festival Best Actor award to his grandkids. Actually, he probably will. It'll be like when your grandparents show you their bowling trophies and you act all impressed, but you don't care. And then Matt Damon will show up and Affleck's grandkids will run into his arms. Drop dead, Affleck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bowling trophies.