Friday, September 14, 2007!!!

Ok. So i told you all about my friend who would not join maynard and I. Well it turns out he really did kill himself or something because i have not seen him in days. So i thought i would tell you all a little about this man so that you may know him just a little better.

First off i wanted to show you what he looks like but i dont think the family would like that much. So i am going to draw it for you. Here it is

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this is just how my friend looked.

He was a good man even if he did not like helping his friends out when they needed a bit of help to get off the ground.

And he was always mean to little kids and hated everyone and could never get chicks because he was weird and always tried his very best to make you feel bad about yourself only because he hated himself so much that he had to make everyone else feel just as bad as he did.

But all in all he was a good man and a good friend.

you will be missed



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