Monday, December 17, 2007

I Work at a Pool Now, I Guess

Yeah. I know. I work at a pool now, and guess what? I'M LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!

No. No, actually I hate it. And you can't really call it work for two reasons. One being I don't do shit for like 10 hours a day, the second because I only get paid 100$ a month. The rest is taken off my rent. But it's only on weekends, so... that's good, right? No, because it means I have no possibility to have a life now. Not that I had one before, but still... I could have had one, if I'd wanted it.

Another problem is the people. I hate them. Especially children. And black people. Ok, that last one was a joke. But I only had two people come in all weekend and one was a kid and the other was black, so I had to complain about them, right? I just locked myself in the office when they came to swim because there's no way in hell that I could save them if they started to drown. Seriously, I tried swimming when there was nothing to do and it turns out I'm bad at it. Which came as a shock to me because I had assumed I was quite good. It's kind of like running. I don't run often but when I do, I'm always shocked at how slow I am. It's like, "What's WRONG with me? Something has malfunctioned!!"

And then I sit down and cry.



Anonymous said...

hey shit for brains i was there too and i played ping pong and played loud music with all my friends.

Maynard and or Lando and or Bada said...

Lando you have no friends. God Maynard are you like a lifeguard now? You have to jump in the water and save all the chicks just like something out of Baywatch!

Anonymous said...

Umm, kind of. Like, if people start drowning I have to throw them one of those little thingies. But if anyone starts to drown I'm just gonna leave and act like I was supposed to have the day off.

Anywho, Bada, when do you get on MSN now? Cause I can't find you whenever I'm on :( I want to know the latest happenings on the Scotland front.

Anonymous said...


Did you really cry like a woman?

Anonymous said...

Do I look like a FAG?!

Anonymous said...

bada....YOU'RE FIRED!!!

i dont need your friendship :)

Maynard and or Lando and or Bada said...

You suckers think you're too good for me? You're NOTHING, nothing i tell you. Nothing to report here in Scotland. Apart from Bada got drunk on a bottle of wine, threw up everywhere and then went into work the next day drunk! BAHAHAH. You've probably all heard the story..

Anonymous said...

Haha, could anyone tell you were drunk?

Cloak said...

Just write "use pool at your own risk" with your best sharpie somewhere and you'll avoid liability whilst in the office as someone is drowning. I mean, considering your swimming skills, do you really want to put your life at risk to save what could end up being either a child or black person? Sounds like you're a job freelancer quite frankly - if so, we're certainly a unique breed. Too bad most women find the whole 'stability' thing attractive, pshh.