Friday, December 21, 2007


Lando told me about this movie that he and Maynard went to see. It's called "Superbad" he told me to go and watch it, so i thought to myself just GREAT it's going to be one of those gay movies what they like, like GayBack Mountain. So anyways i checked it out and seriously everyone has to go and see this movie right now. It's probably the funniest or one of the funniest movies i have ever seen in my entire life. That's a lot of life baby. This movie seems to relate to my life and also there is a lot of similarities. It's the way me, Maynard and Lando act. This movie is infact based on us! Let me break it down for you suckers. Seth he is definitely Lando. The way Lando is infact rude, mean, constantly thinks about sex and also the fat guy. You see where i am going with this.... Evan is so me Bada. The shy guy, the guy who just wants the one woman. ;) The guy who has a hot mother.. OK that was just wrong and SICK. Fogell, yeah you probably all know who Fogell is. One word PATRICK. I can just imagine Patrick wearing glasses and has his hair coming down with a little fringe. FUCKING nerd. Also the guy who thinks he is cool which is so not true. I can just picture Patrick infact saying "I am McLovin" what a JOKE. Maynard now that was a tough one. Probably one of the cops best describe Maynard. Beer drinking, car driving, gun blazing, thinks he's damn cool! what an ASSHOLE! I tried to get this movie from PlayUsa. Out of damn stock. Screw you damn AMERICANS.



Anonymous said...

Ok, first things first- Brokeback Mountain, although gay, was an awesome fucking movie. Heath Ledger kicked ass, acting-wise.

Second, I swear to the Lord, I thought the exact same thing about this movie. Fogel is SO Patrick. Seth reminded me so much of how Lando acts, and Evan was clearly based on you. They must have done months of research on you guys.

As for me... I didn't see TOO much of myself in the movie. But let's be honest, I'm much to complex and confounding to ever be put into a film. o one could pull it off. Not Philip Seymour Hoffman, not Daniel Day-Lewis, not Johnny Depp. No one. I am beyond mortals.

Glad you finally liked a movie we liked, lol.

Anonymous said...

the fat one? im getting it from all sides today :<

also yeah i saw alot of us in this movie

i did not see much of maynard in this movie either more just me you and patrick

but i think that would be because maynard is smart and this is not a smart movie

oh yeah i do like why you say maynard is more like the cops when you said "car driving " and "guns blazing" seeing as how he is the only one of us that can drive

patrick takes the bus

Anonymous said...

this is just sad