Monday, March 10, 2008

Let's talk Running-Mates

I got me the politics fever again. This shit is bananas!!

So we know who the Republican candidate will be (unless he dies)- John McCain. I kind of like McCain. We agree on many things and disagree on a couple of key issues (like Iraq). I can't see myself voting for him though. If he were a younger man, sure. But this bastard is 71, folks. That's the only thing stopping me for fully supporting him. Well, that and the fact he bitched out for Bush back in 2004, even after all that shit Bush pulled in 2000. Too biased towards his own party.

If there were one thing that could make me change my mind, it might be a good running mate. But he's a Republican, so that's impossible to find. BOO YAH!!

But since we're talking running mates, I guess we better get this out of the way. I'm pretty sure it'll be Charlie Crist. He's young-ish and he's a leader of one of the most important states in the election (Florida). His age will re-assure voters that if McCain eats it before his four years are up, they'll still have a fifty-something Republican to fuck the country up for the remainder of his term. Kidding, kidding. He might not be so bad. But... he probably will be.

Clinton- What's this bitch trying to pull? She's behind Obama and she's talking about letting him be VP. Whatever, bitch. We all know she'd love to have him on the ticket, cause they really would be all but unbeatable. Too bad Obama has already shot down that idea. So that leaves Evan Bayh, my main man from Indiana. I love Bayh. The man is my political hero. He'd be the only thing that might make me consider voting for her. If Clinton gets the nomination, I'm pretty certain Bayh will be her running mate. The Clinton's have been big on him for years now.

Obama- Still the front runner for the Democrats. But he's gotta be smart when it comes to picking a running mate. I'd love nothing more than for him to run with Bayh, but with Bayh being such a Clinton supporter, I think it might be doubtful. Still, I can dream, right? I really think Bayh could help any Democrat. No Republican could ever accuse him of being too liberal. He's got a ton of experience in things that actually matter. He could help carry Red-state Indiana, ect. He's the perfect running mate!! But like I said, I don't think he'll run with anyone but Clinton.

Let's imagine for a minute McCain does pick Crist to be his running mate. Crist is going to help McCain big time in battle state Florida, so Obama would probably strike back in similar fashion. I'd guess Sherrod Brown from Ohio. They have a lot in common. Both against the war. Both...

Well, I'm just guessing he'll pick Brown. Unless he wants to go with John Edwards. If he does, it'll only be because Edwards is a "name." We learned in 2004 he can't really help anyone win anything, so that'd be a waste of a running mate. So it'll either be Brown or Edwards, with Bayh as an outside shot (outside shot of course meaning "my wishful thinking") Yeah... he'll probably pick Edwards. Damnit. But he could have several really decent running mates. Bill Richardson (my second choice after Bayh), Jim Webb (someone I'm thinking has a really strong chance), ect. He won't need to look for long.

So there you have it. Which do you think has a better shot of winning the election? McCain/Crist or Obama/Edwards (or possibly Brown, Richardson or Webb, among others)? or Clinton/Bayh?


EDIT: Okay, I should have done this before I made this post, but I did a little research on Brown and this guy seems to not be the most beloved politician. So... maybe we can rule him out? I dunno. Just gotta wait and see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well i dont know anything about this shit

all i know is that i posted a blog about hard drinking and hard playing

you trying to look better then me?

anyways i like obama and hope he wins over that bitch and i dont care who runs with him much o_O but it would be funny if that richardson ran with him :)