Friday, March 14, 2008

More Lost stuff

Awesome. Totally awesome.

So I'm back after a few weeks of taking a break from talking about Lost. At least on this site. So we'll have to get this shit together. Instead of talking about the episodes themselves, which have all been pretty strong, I'm gonna just talk about the characters and what they're up to. Enjoy.

Jack- Remember how at the beginning of this season Jack was all macho and kicking ass and taking names on a somewhat regular basis? What happened? I've always defended Jack, but I could also always see what bothered people so much about him. He's, at times, kind of a push over. And it seems he's back to doing just that. He didn't push Juliet for any answers in "The Other Woman." He just kissed her. Lame.

He also doesn't seem too concerned or even interested in the whole "time is different on the island" theory. I don't think he's mentioned it once since Faraday brought it up in "The Constant." Perhaps it's just me, but I'd probably talk non-stop about that if I were on the island. I'd want to know everything Faraday knows. Jack, on the other hand, seems to be just sitting back and taking it easy for the most part. What's the deal? When are they gonna give this guy something to do?

Claire- Speaking of giving a character something to do... I like this season. A lot. We've gotten more answers in the last 7 episodes than any other period in the shows history. But with all this non-stop action, something seems to have been lost. Character development. She's had nothing to do all season long. She's just... there. Because they haven't developed her this season, they've kind of turned her into a bitch, you know? Doesn't it seem like she got over Charlie's death pretty quickly? That makes it seem like she never even cared for the poor limey bastard. I wouldn't be surprised if she were the character to die next week. I'm not sure she will be, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Kate- What a bitch. If any woman smacked me the way she smacked Sawyer, I'd have layed that bitch out. NO QUESTION.

Sawyer- Another casualty of the non-stop action. He hasn't had it easy this season. The last few episodes of last season, Sawyer was the undisputed MVP. He had an actual story. He had finally turned into the lovable leader, only to be sucked into the deepest, darkest time of his life after killing Anthony Cooper.

Now? Well, he's back to being a lovable follower. Which kind of sucks. I liked the dark Sawyer angle. I liked the thought of him vying to be a leader. All that has gone out the window in order to make room for him and Hurley playing horseshoes. Lame.

Hurley- Hurley has become more interesting for the most part. We learned Jacob wants to have a sit down with him, but why? No idea. That storyline has taken a back seat. They might not get to it this season. He seems to be happy following Locke.

Locke- Aw man, I knew this shit would happen. They're making Locke a bumbling fool. He's frustrated and confused. He's letting Ben run the show. I hear that Locke will be heading for better days soon, but I don't know. I hope so. He's too good a character to be reduced to playing the fool.

Ben- He's always got a plan. BECAUSE HE'S LIVED THROUGH THIS BEFORE!! He's always a step ahead of the rest because he already knows everything that's gonna happen. I think. Either way, he's doing what he does best- pulling everyone's strings. As Harper said, "Ben's right where he wants to be." This makes me so scared for Locke. We still haven't learned why Hurley said he should have gone with Jack instead of Locke, but we're moving ever closer (and I'm almost positive Ben will play a part in it).

I also found it interesting that Ben had such a crush on Juliet. Frankly, I don't see the appeal. But whatever. Here's my new theory (which everyone else has already come up with, I'm sure) Ben got Annie pregnant. She died on the island. Ben spends the rest of his life trying to fix it. He brings Juliet to the island. Juliet looks just like Annie. Ben loves Juliet.

Or something like that. I forget.

Miles- Where's he at?

Faraday- Best of the new characters, needs more development.

Charlotte- Another bitch.

Frank- Last night, I was talking with Lando about how they should have had Jeff Bridges play him. He could play it like The Dude!! "Look, uh, man, I'm trying to help you!! I'm on your side, man!!"

Sun and Jin- Jin, you're a bitch. What was that shit? Forgiving your wife for cheating on you only like an hour after you found out? My ass.

Sun, you should have been the one to die. Okay, okay, I'm sorry. That's a little extreme. But seriously, that's bullshit. Jin is too good for you!!

I wonder if Jin is really dead? Probably. But there is a good chance he's still on the island. We know some people got left behind and the Oceanic 6, for some reason, had to make a pact to lie to the world about what happened. Perhaps they had to tell the world Jin was dead. It would explain why Sun was so sure Jin would show up at the hospital. Sort of. I dunno. I'm not entirely ready to call him 100% dead just yet. But then, if he wasn't the 6th member of the Oceanic 6, who was? That shoots a hole in my theory. He's probably dead. Fuck it.

I'm sleepy. Goodnight. Or morning. Whichever.



Anonymous said...

Forgot the email and password and shit. We already know the Oceanic 6.


Claire, i think she's been left on the island. At the end of Season 3, Jack tells Kate that they have to go back. In a Season 4 episode you see Kate with Claire's baby in the future. This surely must be the reason Jack wants to go back?

Sawyer, i see him staying. He has nothing away from the island, why leave it? He knows he stands no chance with Kate in the real world.

Locke, why would he leave and be in a wheelchair again? I don't think so.

Jin, sucks that he seems dead, Now Hurley and Sun can get it on. ;) (wink wink).

I see Desmond having a dream in the future about him dying.

The others and whoever will probably die/be left on the island.

It's quite interesting to see how they actually get off the island. Who can fly a Helicopter of the 6 we've seen in the future/steer a ship? Kind of wonders if there are more than the Oceanic 6 who leave the island but actually die when nearly getting home.

Yeah i'm probably all wrong, but who cares!!


Anonymous said...

Wait scrap that. Aaron was born on the island wasn't he. FUCK. Surely must be Sawyer then as number 6. Jin must die on the island maybe.


Anonymous said...

I think Jin is alive on the island. Why else would Sun be so desperate to have him with her? I know she was having a baby and all, but it just doesn't fit if he were dead. I think he sacrificed himself so Sun could get off the island, only he's not dead, just left behind. I think, anyways.

They say someone's gonna die next week. I think it'll either be Claire, Miles or Karl (cause maybe they don't want it to be a big character)

And no, from what I've read, Sawyer is absolutely not a member of the 6. It would be interesting to see a flashforward of him though. I read awhile ago that the 6 were Jack, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, Sun and Jin, but now I'm reading Jin was disinformation and that Aaron was the actual 6th member. But as you point out,t hat doesn't make sense cause he was born on the island. Ahh, I'm so confused.


P.S. I'll have to send you the e-mail and password I guess, lol.