Well, there it was. No more Lost until January of next year. Damn, that's too long to wait. So until then I guess we'll just have to find some new things to get obsessed with. The Venture Bros. is finally coming back this Sunday, but that'll only be a Summer long obsession. Then what? I just don't know...
So, to start off, this won't be a real review. Well, it kind of will. I don't know. Fuck it. Let's just see where this goes.
So.. uh... season four. What to say about it? It was... different. To say the least. Flash forwards, flashbacks, lots of action, some twists and turns. I don't know how to explain it really... it was fantastic but it left me feeling hollow somehow. I was very disappointed by many aspects of this season to be honest. But a lot of it was better than I ever expected. Let's start with the bad.
Character development. There were three episodes this season where they really fleshed out the characters and all their feelings. Meet Kevin Johnson, The Shape of Things to Come and Something Nice Back Home. I guess The Constant sort of did too, but not the same way. Either way, it's because of the character development that those three episodes I mentioned are among my favorites of this season. I guess since we're in season four and they've only got so many episodes left to tell the story that they figured, "Hell, they know the characters by now, let's just get this shit over with."
That leads me to the other complaint. It was so rushed, wasn't it? But this I can't blame on the writers. Well, yeah I can, cause they're the ones that went on strike. But at least when they came back from the very long hiatus they were great. But because of it we always learned almost nothing of people like Faraday, Miles and (especially) Charlotte. At least they have given her a sort of interesting character arc for season five (She was apparently born on the island... or some shit... that's why she decided to stay on the island).
Miles, on the other hand, I have no idea why he stayed behind. I guess he still wants that fucking money. He will, hopefully, have a shitload to do next year. Talking to ghosts, going on adventures, talking shit. Miles is going to be awesome.
Faraday will be too once we learn more about him, I'm sure. Although there's no telling where he is. Last we saw he was heading back towards the island on his little boat, and then it disappeared. Then he was nowhere to be seen. My guess- hell, he just disappeared with it. Wherever (or whenever) it went, he went with it. I think. Either way let's just say the new characters seemed interesting but weren't given much of a chance this year so we can only hope for the best next year.
The thing about this season is, it was kind of like The Empire Strikes Back. It's an incredibly pivotal season but at the same time it was sort of like nothing began and nothing ended. This was a set up season for next year. Not that it didn't have plenty of great moments, but it didn't feel like a stand alone season the way the others have. It feels more like the first chapter of a new story. Which I'm almost sure was the plan the whole time.
Sawyer. Sucked. For the whole season. Next year, please let him be awesome and cool again. No more straight up hero shit. Sawyer is at his most interesting when he's helping the team while still serving his own purpose. Or at least still kicking ass.
Locke was made to look like a fool the entire season. Every step of the way, Ben was making him look stupid. Not cool. And then it ends with him DYING?! I have to admit I didn't see that one coming. I was sure it would be Michael for the longest time. I guess Michael probably wouldn't have any remains though. Dude got blown up. Either way, Locke needs a lot more to do next year and he needs to blow some more shit up.
Okay, one more thing I hated and then we'll turn to the stuff that pleased me.
Michael. Wow. That was it? He was gone for a whole season and when he comes back, that's all you give him to do? Like I said earlier, I know a lot of this had to do with the writers strike, but still... he showed up and had a great episode, then what? He got beat up a lot and then he tried and failed to stop a bomb. The end. Fuck it. Harold has already complained about that. I agree with him. They botched it.
The good.
Okay, now I know I just complained about him but I'll have to say Michael again. I know they fucked up with him in the long run, but Meet Kevin Johnson was amazing. I'd go so far as to say his (Harold Perreinus) acting in that episode was the best the show has ever seen. Really, who else tops his performance? I can't think of anyone. Except maybe Michael Emerson in The Shape of Things to Come, but really, it's no match. Harold did great and that dude deserves an Emmy or something for that episode.
I also loved that we finally got some answers this year. And lots of action. Even if it did mean we had to let the characters fall to the wayside for most of the time. Like I said, this was a transition season and I think next year it'll be back to normal. Although I hope they still give us some answers.
Sayid had his best season ever. I never cared much for the character the way some people have but this season he really was great.
I loved that they at least mentioned Mr. Eko. Now I can die happily.
Loved that Walt looked like a 25 year old gang member (because he's black. Get it?) I really hope he becomes a series regular next year. I know that kid was annoying but come on, they made Walt seem way too important not to use him again. He's gotta go back. HE'S GOTTA GO BACK!!
Alright, I'm already bored with this. Let's get down to business. The best episodes in ranked order are-
1. Meet Kevin Johnson
2. The Shape of Things to Come
3. Something Nice Back Home
4. The Economist
5. The Constant
6. There's No Place Like Home (parts 1, 2 and 3. I count them as a whole)
7. Ji Yeon
8. Confirmed Dead
9. The Beginning of the End
10. Cabin Fever
11. The Other Woman
12. Eggtown
I'd rank the season-
1. Season 1
2. Season 3 (it started off slow but once it got to the middle of the season it kicked ass like never before)
3. Season 4
4. Season 2
This season gets an 8.5/10 from me. Great action and all that but next time, please focus on the characters a little more. As much as I love that we're getting answers finally I don't want it to ruin the greatest characters on t.v.
Ben is the seasons MVP. Sayid comes in second place. Michael could have been the MVP had they kept it up after Meet Kevin Johnson but it all went downhill for him after that.
Locke was MVP of season 1, Mr. Eko MVP of season 2 and Sawyer MVP of season 3 (although Locke and Ben were close behind).
And finally, I hope in season five they have more comedy. A suggestion- Jack and Ben gets into crazy hijinks trying to get Locke's dead body back to the island. Weekend at Bernie's style. Carrying his body out of the funeral parlor, a young police man walks up. "What are you guys doing??", he asks. Jack and Ben exchange looks of terror. "Uh, nothin', man.", says Jack. "He's just real drunk... he's a fuckin' retard, man."
Stuff like that.
P.S. Claire looked fat as shit in the last episode.